The American Goldfinch is a small, cheerful yellow bird.The Goldfinch is one of North America’s most beloved feathered birds.Do you want to know about the American Goldfinch, its habitat, feeding habits, etc.?A full commentary is available here.
Who Is the American Goldfinch?
The American Goldfinch is a small seed-eating bird found throughout North America.It is also called the wild canary because of its golden feathers and melodious voice.In summer, the male has yellow and black shiny wings, and the female is brown.But don’t be fooled by the brightness of the beige color, as it turns into an olive-brown color in winter.This color makes them much more difficult to find.
Where Can Goldfinch?
The American Goldfinch is a very adaptable bird, found from southern Canada to North America. It is often seen in grasslands, fruit orchards, and along roadsides.In winter, they migrate south and some even go as far as Mexico.You can easily find this admirable bird during these seasons.
What Do American Goldfinches Eat?
One thing Goldfinches love is seeds. They eat grass and various fruit seeds, and they are also among the few herbivorous birds in the world.Their diet includes dandelion seeds, birch and alder tree seeds, sunflower seeds, and thistle seeds. In winter, when seeds become scarce, they visit bird feeders set up by people.
Family Life of Goldfinch:
Goldfinches are very unique in their breeding habits. They do not nest in the spring like other birds; they wait until late summer to mate.Because this is when thistles and milkweeds are in full bloom, providing a large amount of seeds for their chicks.The female builds a cup-shaped nest using soft grass fibers which she lines with milkweed fluff.
They lay 4 to 6 blue-yellow eggs that hatch in 2 weeks. The female does most of the incubating and the male also brings food to the nest.They raise their young rapidly by feeding them seeds.
Do American Goldfinches Migrate?
Yes, they migrate, but it is not a very long distance. During migration, they are in the form of flocks, which is their characteristic for migrating, and they go from North America to the southern regions of Mexico.
How Do Goldfinches Sound?
Goldfinches talk a lot. Their speech is light and bubbly. They make a sound of po-ta-to-chip, po-ta-to-chip. If you hear this song, you know that there are Goldfinches nearby.
How to Attract Goldfinches to Your Yard:
If you want to see Goldfinches and many other live birds in your home every day, make a bird feeder and place it in a place in your home where the birds have easy access.
Put sunflower Nyjer seeds in the bird feeder or bring bird feed from the market and put it in it and keep an open container for water in which they will drink water and bathe and be happy. You will see that in a few days many birds will start coming.
Can you tell me any memories or facts about Goldfinches? I would be happy to hear them. And tell me if you have ever raised them.